A very special congratulations to CDSC member Floor Fiers on the completion of their Ph.D. in Media, Technology & Society at Northwestern!
Floor’s dissertation Chasing the Ideal and Making It Work: Pursuing Employment in the Remote Gig Economy, seeks to understand inequality among workers in the gig economy and how they navigate the precarity involved in remote gig work. Several of the chapters have already appeared as standalone, peer-reviewed publications, but there’s plenty of new, exciting, and as-yet-unpublished material in there as well.
This week (!), Floor will begin a position as Assistant Professor in the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) at the University of Amsterdam.
Since I (Aaron) am posting this one myself, it seems appropriate to add that it’s been wonderful working with Floor over the past five+ years. Indeed, I’m still in denial about the fact that Floor won’t be physically present in our lab meetings this year. At the same time, I couldn’t be happier for Floor and definitely get a goofy, proud-faculty-mentor grin on my face whenever I think about the incredible things they’ve accomplished already (nevermind all the cool stuff yet to come).
Congratulations again, Floor!
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